Sunday, September 6, 2009


Mary Magdalene
1. Her Passion Gave Her Staying Power: Mary Magdalene, out of whom Christ cast seven evil spirits probably, came from the town of Magdala. She played some significant roles in the life of Christ during His crucifixion, burial and resurrection: Her passion kept her tarrying at the empty tomb when others had given up [John 20:10-11]. Though Mary was the one who first informed Peter and John about the resurrection, they only came, looked into the empty tomb and went back home. She however kept waiting there. How long are we prepared to wait for God to come through when all seems lost and we do not appear anywhere near achieving our goals and dreams? If God comes through for us, will He find us still waiting in faith? (Luke 18:8). Will He find us still expecting what He promised?
Mary Magdalene’s deep affection for her Lord kept her waiting when all others had given up. She was there during the last moments of the agony of Christ on the cross (John 19:25), she remained by the cross till all was over, and waited till the body was taken down and placed in the garden sepulchre of Joseph of Arimathaea (Matthew 27:61). Then she became the first to know of the resurrection of Christ and break the news to the apostles (John 20:2).
The lesson is that if there is delay in realizing your dreams, your passion will keep you holding on till you literally experience a resurrection of your dreams.

2. Passionate People are Front Liners: Mary Magdalene was the first to appear at Jesus’ tomb on that resurrection morning [John 20:1]. It was a dangerous period for the followers of Christ. All others were hiding for dear life; even the apostles did not risk all for the body of Christ. Mary Magdalene so much appreciated what Christ had done for her, and had developed such a deep affection for Him and His cause that she risked all for Him. Passionate people love to take the frontlines in service or battle. Their passion makes real danger look like child’s play, and because of that, they are able to tread where angels fear to tread. The level of motivation their passion gives them exceeds any external motivation someone may supply through encouragement or reward. Mary Magdalene was the first to appear at Jesus’ tomb on that resurrection morning [John 20:1].

It is my view that many Christians today are not yet all that passionate for the cause of Christ, and that is why we have so few people voluntarily offering themselves for the service of the church. This is true whether you look at the need for voluntary workers or full time workers for Christ. It will take a passionate bunch of believers who have a revelation of the Lord Jesus in their souls to overrun areas that are no-go areas for the gospel. Do we ever wonder why the mighty Soviet army with all their state-of-the-art weapons were defeated in Afghanistan by the rag-tag army of the Taliban and the Afghan mujahedeen (freedom fighters)? The answer is that those fighters were passionate ideologues who were ready to die for their beliefs.

3. Passion, Prayer and Worship -A Life-giving Combination: John 20:11 says Mary Magdalene stooped weeping; the others just stooped and looked inside the tomb. A posture of stooping [prayer, worship], with weeping [demonstrating her passion], resulted in angels being revealed to her. The apostles did not see the revelation of angels in the garden tomb. John the beloved stooped [John 20:3]; Peter also stooped and went in [John 20:6]. Mary however stooped with tears in her eyes [John 20:11]. Many may be praying and worshipping, but God has a special eye for the passionate of soul . This shows us that prayer and worship with passion are powerful attitudes in bringing down the glory of God. God seeks people who will worship Him in ‘spirit and in truth’ and with all their hearts.
The lesson here is that if you get passionate enough to look for the interests of Christ and His body, the church, God will appear to you and speak to you about the state of the body. This truth applies both in the local church or the body of Christ at large. If you spend time, praying for your church you will know the mind of God for the church. Indeed, it is a scriptural principle that if we are to find God, we must seek Him passionately with all our heart. “And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart” (Jer 29:13).
4. Passion - An Essential Leadership Quality: After Mary Magdalene had told them about the missing body, Peter and the other disciple got there first but Jesus did not appear to any of them. The race is not to the swift …. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene , whose passion had knocked any legitimate fears out of her life. In a sense, this made her a leader. She truly demonstrated what real passion is - staying at it till, if necessary, the last drop of blood drops from your body. No wonder Jesus chose to reveal Himself to her first. This story also demonstrates to us that your natural strength is not what makes you excel in your service to God. Passion can supersede all this. Peter and John had the natural ability and muscle power to outrun Mary Magdalene, but her passion won the day. Learn to be passionate for what you believe, because your passion can put into your hands what natural ability cannot lay hands on.